NTLite is here!

Discussion in 'Application Software' started by ricktendo64, Sep 18, 2014.

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  1. Emma-R

    Emma-R Guest

    #61 Emma-R, Jul 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
    edited post
  2. nuhi

    nuhi MDL Novice

    Sep 24, 2013
    Thank you both, even though you seem to misunderstand each other :)
    This topic is doomed due to my noobness, let's just leave it be.

    Doing just fine, can't wait to do more :hug2:
  3. garf02

    garf02 MDL Member

    Sep 15, 2007
    The option "Clean update backup" is the same at the DSIM command /cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase? Otherwise what is the use?

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    The price for NTlite is ridiculous and the free version is also ridiculous you can't even remove OneDrive, every free tool like O&O shutup can remove that for free.

    I would buy it for 20 (pro) but ~45 dollars for single user license and without VAT is really too expensive. :punish:

    Fantastic tool anyway. :bkiss: (if I could really test it) ... / end of sarcasm :shock:

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
  6. wyatt23

    wyatt23 MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2017
    Price seems reasonable to me, all things considered.
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  7. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    Why bother when there is something like MSMG Toolkit? NTLite can break installations just like any other image-editing tool and even back in Windows XP days it messed things up (it had a different name back then), but with MSMG Toolkit you at least learn something. You would save yourself the manual use of DISM commands, but you could easily open the .bat file and see how the author got this and that done and have more control over what it going on instead of just seeing a pretty interface and being clueless about what your actions are doing and changing underneath.
  8. wyatt23

    wyatt23 MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2017
    Marmite, you either love it or hate it. I love it :drool: .
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  9. wyatt23

    wyatt23 MDL Member

    Apr 2, 2017
    I would actually suggest you have never used either. nLite is not NTLite. They are as different as sheep and wombats. As for breaking things, that is why you test test test. You soon find out whats what. NTLite does not use a bat file and it does not use manual dism commands from the user. Therefore i suggest you have never actually used it.

    As my dad used to say, if you think you can do better, knock yourself out son. I will not reply further.
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    TONSCHUH MDL Addicted

    Jun 11, 2012
    It's a great Tool and worth the money in my opinion.

    There will be always different ways to do things and everyone will have it's own fav.

  11. Tomwa

    Tomwa MDL Novice

    May 14, 2012
    I've never regretted a purchase as much as I've regretted this one.

    The sketchy, unreliable, and broken license system.

    The way it breaks any ISO with even minute changes (Installed MSMG cleaned iso in VirtualBox -> Worked Great. Disabled the various "Let apps use" settings in NTLite -> Broken, can't update.)

    The activation system alone should put you off of this incredibly s**tty product.

    I'm going to seek a refund and if I don't get it then I'll issue a chargeback, stay as far away from NTLite as you can.
  12. Moksu

    Moksu MDL Novice

    Feb 12, 2017
    Did you actually need the extra features?
  13. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014

    What broken license system? What activation system?

    I do not regret buying NTLite, it is great software and can remove more things then MSMG and from my testing there is less leftovers after removal.
    Apparently NTLite has it's own removal engine and doesn't use DISM or other tools for removal.

    I haven't changed those "Let apps use" settings before, but I disabled them now and tested in VirtualBox and there was no issue with installing Windows Updates.
    Maybe you removed something that causes updates to fail.

    I prefer anyway to use OOSU10 after OS is installed to take care of all privacy issues.
  14. David77

    David77 MDL Novice

    Mar 16, 2017
    I don't have any issue with the price. Well worth the asking price. The issue I have is with the licensing method.
    I bought a license for TeleportPro many years ago. The license model is like Ultraiso, Winiso, BlueIris, Everest, Passware, DriveSnapshot, ect. An emailed key unlocks the software and can be done offline where my development environment is.
    Wanting to upgrade to a more capable version I sent an e-mail regarding previous owner discounts as described on the web site. Only thing was my info wouldn't yield the automated discount in the cart. I waited .... No answer. After many attempts I gave up and bought a competitors product.
    It got me thinking .. If I had to activate online every time I re-installed the software; What do I do when the internet is down ( that never happens Right? ); but most important to me is the Dev machines NEVER see the internet. Or what happens when they disappear completely? ..

    Yea .... I lose the ability to use the software I paid for...

    So, I Try not to purchase any software that requires on-line activation ( OK ms OS's and anti-virus software has us by the @$$#) We have no choice!!
    A good example would be Eagle Cad being bought out by Autodesk. I will never upgrade any of my licenses for Eagle cad because Now with the new licensing model YOU MUST activate online.... I am now learning a new cad software....

    At this time I don't need the premium option but would purchase anyway since it's obvious a lot of work has gone into the free version. And we did get nlite for xp free.

    The Licensing model is the only thing holding me back from purchasing.
  15. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    I am not sure what you are talking about, once you activate one time online you can backup settings file and license.dat and restore later for offline activation.
    It only works on the same PC since you are allowed to use the license on one PC only. If you want to use it across several PC's you can do so by installing to a VM and copying the VM across PC's.
  16. Tomwa

    Tomwa MDL Novice

    May 14, 2012
    Requiring a user to backup and copy Virtual Machines for software that CREATES WINDOWS INSTALLS is a little more than nonsense.

    Exactly what I need, a virtual machine I have to copy back and forth! Hope you don't ever change your hardware. I have far more expensive software suites with far less restricting licensing methods.
  17. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    I find this tool, NTLite, cumbersome at best. I can do what it can do easier.
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  18. LiteOS

    LiteOS Windowizer

    Mar 7, 2014
    I think the price is fair due to support are given which is needed part for this kind of app

    Windows platform is quiet dynamic
    Updates changes more features

    And lots of deffer applications to install that might need the tweaking to work with lited os
    Its not simple.

    i like to lite with dism cos its stabler
    But i gonna test and mb upload setting file
  19. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    If you do change your hardware you can just contact the developer and he will make sure the license will continue to work on the new hardware.
    The license is tied to hardware and mac address to prevent people from using it on more then one PC.
    If you could use it on any PC you want at any time then you could share it with other people and thus they wouldn't need to buy the software.
    That's why there is a expensive business license which allows you to use it on any PC you want.

    When you install it on a VM and then move the VM to another PC the license will continue to work because the hardware on the VM is the same and you can preserve the mac address. You don't need to have a working internet connection to be able to activate but a Ethernet or WiFi adapter must be present for the mac address. I believe this could also be used to share the license with other people but it wouldn't be a nice thing to do.

    For me the licensing method is not a problem since I only have one PC. And I can activate unlimited times offline and don't have to worry about activation count.

    Unlike a software which I bought several years ago (for 51.38 USD) but after I activated it once and several weeks later re installed Windows and went to activate it again, it wouldn't activate and was showing that the license is already activated, I mailed the developer several times but never received a reply so the license is useless and the money is wasted and I would have to crack the software to be able to use it without restrictions even thought I paid for it.